Key members
Toward a global standard of education

Central committee chairman, TWELVE
KUBO久保 駿太
Tamai Investment Educations Co., Inc.
ICT Educational Content Creator

Mathematics opens the door to an infinite realm of possibilities. Finding joys in vectors will help pave the way to become AI programmer, whereas taking a liking in differentials will guide your career to be an economist, and fascination with complex numbers can lead a path to become a game developer… By embracing a passion for math, you are taking your first step forward into navigating in this world. By globally gathering ideas and knowledge of mathematics, the common language of science, we can evolve it to a more global standard.
It is true that our current education system often tend to be localized. However, by creating a platform where educators transcend national borders to engage in a collaborative exchange, asking and sharing insights. Questions and realizations such as, “Why is this country teaching it in this order?” or “Our country has never thought of this way to solve this problem!”, we can progress education to a more practical one and create a more thrilling educational material. Furthermore, by disseminating its contents, we can also promote interest in mathematics among children around the world.
We need your support to achieve a global standard of education.
Please join us in creating world-class educational materials!